New School Road, Mosborough, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S20 5ES

0114 2486211

Mosborough Primary School

Through Inspired Learning We Achieve Our Dreams



Our aim, through P4C sessions, is for all pupils to become articulate and develop the ability to justify answers, arguments and opinions. We teach the importance of participating collaboratively in discussion by maintaining attention, staying on topic and initiating and responding to others' comments.

It is through well-structured P4C sessions that children will be provided with the opportunity to consider and evaluate different viewpoints, and develop their skills of oracy, questioning, critical thinking and reflection. Children are taught the importance of contributing to the smooth running of an enquiry and the need for rules and democratic procedures to facilitate this. Children understand they must treat others with respect. The values evident in P4C exemplify British values.

"The teaching of philosophy is one of the most powerful tools we have at our disposal to empower students to act as free and responsible subjects in an ever more complex, inter-connected and uncertain world." Michael Higgins, Irish president (2016).

"Philosophy won’t bring back the jobs. It isn’t a cure-all for the world’s current or future woes. But it can build immunity against careless judgments, and unentitled certitude. Philosophy in our classrooms would better equip us all to perceive and to challenge the conventional wisdoms of our age." Charlotte Blease, The Guardian (2017) 

Supporting documents and useful links: